Monday, November 15, 2010

Application Process

How far we have come! 

Every once in a while I am in awe of all the hard work we have been putting forth and all the great things we have accomplished so far this year, yet when I stop to consider the love all of us have for this trip I am not surprised at all. The amount of dedication and passion involved in the creation of this trip so far is overwhelming. 

Applications were due on Friday November 12th by 5 PM and the trip leaders met at 4:30 to look them over. There was a total of 40 applicants for a possible 24 spots (the 6 spots already filled up are the chaperone's, LaDonna Bridges, Rachael Lucking, and Angel Seto and the 3 trip leaders). We received many excellent applications and were thrilled with the passion put forth in the answers. Many people deserve to be on this trip and the decision was not an easy one.

The applications were all typed up and numbered to ensure that no names were involved. Each of the trip leaders was handed a thick pile of paper and for the next 6 hours we intently read through and considered each application. Each of the applications received a number grade based on the answers and then the 3 grades (from each of the leaders) were averaged and the highest scored applicants filled the available spots. 

After making the list of the 24 accepted students, we finally looked at the list of names. I believe that each of us felt a harsh sting when we saw names on the wait-list that we wanted to be on this trip. Although we were disappointed that some of our friends were not first to be picked, we all agree that this was the fairest way for the members to be chosen.

All applicants have been notified of their standing. The students we have accepted have until the 22nd to accept or deny the spot on the trip. This ensures the wait-list candidates a remaining possibility of being included into the trip. 

I can speak for all of the trip leaders when I say we are thrilled to move forward in the project. All the applicants that have been chosen will be nothing short of an amazing and unique contribution to this trip!

Be Well,
Kendra Sampson

Saturday, October 30, 2010

We're Making Great Strides!

Hello everyone!

I just figured I would put down in words some of the excellent progress we have been making with this year's Alternative Spring Break to St. Tammany West, Louisiana! We made revealing the trip location a scavenger hunt and charged $1 per person who was interested in hunting for the location. This gave us a profit of $21 and that's wonderful! I'm just so happy with all the progress we've made in fund raising for the trip. It's absolutely phenomenal that we have had such wonderful ideas and suggestions, especially from Emily about raising enough money to be able to make a real difference. Every little bit helps and even now, only three months into the semester, we've raised significant funds for our adventure to Louisiana. Our Halloween Bake Sale was also a great success, raising some $118 for the trip! I can't explain how great it was to have put so much work into the baking of all those yummy treats the night before and to see them sold so quickly; it was such a good feeling!

On top of raising insane amounts of funds for the trip we are also having a lot of interest from the student population in going, which is really gratifying. Applications have been available in the SILD office (on the 5th floor of the College Center in room 510) since last Wednesday and we have already had a handful of applications completed and turned in, which is very good news! I am absolutely ecstatic to have a group of peers to share the excitement and plans for the trip with. I am most excited for our growth from friends and acquaintances to a big, happy, service family!

With all the fund raising and research well underway, I am really excited to get started planning retention for our group; coming up with organizations to work with so that we may better serve our local communities is going to be a great opportunity for the group to bond and to better adapt to their awesome responsibilities when we finally head to Louisiana to work with Habitat. Now that everything is well underway, I am extremely excited and optimistic about the impact this year's Alternative Spring Break is going to have on making positive change for both the New England and Southern communities.

<3 Stephen

Sunday, September 26, 2010


So today we will be shopping for some cute little treats and trinkets to put in care packages that will be auctioned off at home coming weekend! I feel great that we are getting such an early start on fund raising for the trip. Everything is coming together so well. It feels like we are on the same page right now that we were last December or January. Working together with the other trip leaders and Angel to make the vision we have for this trip become a reality is so inspiring. We are working together so well and really bonding through the process and I can envision now how this same effect will hold true when we finally have our group! Imagine the strength of our community as we work together and get closer and closer to reaching our goal of service in [location] with [organization]. It is so uplifting! I just can't wait to meet together, fund raise together, serve together, and grow and expand this notable program together. TOGETHER-what a fun word. <3

Speaking of a group, tonight will be our second general interest meeting for all students to attend who are interested in being a part of this amazing experience. I'm so excited to lead another meeting and share once again with students how wonderful it is to spend your Spring Break making a difference. I hope to see you all there!

Much love,
Trip Leader

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today's Meeting!

My friends!

Today we had our 5th Trip Leader meeting, two of which were over the summer. During these meetings we talk about our plans, where to go, what to do, how we are going to fund-raise, events we are going to have and what this trip is going to be like overall! Very exciting stuff, and after every meeting we leave walking on a cloud with irrepressible smiles. 

We also had our first General Interest Meeting this Wednesday and had 35 very excited faces there! Monday the 17th at 7:00 in Club Room 3 is the second General Interest Meeting. I know many people came to find out where we are going and who we are working with, but unfortunately we cannot release that information yet. 

We have been working incredibly hard to make this trip happen. We have picked out and ideal location and organization and are currently working on planning a budget for the entire trip as well as waiting for the trip location to be approved through the school. Today I called the Police Department of our ideal location to check up on the safety in the area. Good news! It is very safe, and this is one small step closer to getting this trip approved and being able to spread the word.

Trust us we are as anxious to find out as you are! We will keep you updated :)

Be well,
Kendra Sampson 
Trip Leader

New Page!

Hello All!

Thanks for showing an interest in the Alternative Spring Break Program at Framingham State University!!

Be sure to take a look at last year's blog. The members posted during and after the trip and reading it gives a better look into everything that goes on during these trips! Since I cannot figure out how to link the blog from last year to this one here is the link