The applications are in! We broke our record with 60
applications this year! Tomorrow (well, technically today) we begin a new
process—the interview process. Our goal is that an interview will give each
applicant the chance to truly shine.
I am so incredibly thankful for each person who took the
time to apply this year. You took a chance, dared to think beyond your own
needs and apply to a program where others come first. Whether you are chosen or
not to be a part of this trip, you should be so proud. Taking the time to apply
demonstrates just the kind of person you are—selfless. Thank you! Thank you for
taking an interest, for putting in your effort, and for seeing the value of
service to others.
There is no doubt that ASB is growing and that FSU students’
passion for service is growing too. Your applications have inspired me.
Keep giving back FSU! Whether on ASB this year
or not, you are ALL making a difference J
Operations and education trip leader