Thursday, March 20, 2014

Let's Build Something Together

So as many people know, I have been feeling pretty low lately, bogged down with health problems and daily stresses. There have been multiple points in which I have been worried about my ability to contribute or even attend this trip. But being on it has been such a rejuvenating experience for me. On the worksite I finally feel like myself. It's been two months since I have felt the energy to throw myself into the things I love and being here and with these people has been such a mood lifter for me. I have more to focus on than my own health issues and personal problems. I was encouraged a lot to stay home but I really thing that there isn't a better place for me to be except right here. Sitting on my couch may have rested my body but it never would have inspired my soul like spending time with these amazing people, encouraging people and doing the incredible work that we are doing. I am feel like I can do anything right now. At the end of the day, my body is so drained that I think to myself "How am I going to get myself up those stairs" and then I remember I'm building a fucking house right now. Nothing can stop me.

Ali McGrath


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