Tuesday, March 17, 2015

"Please Don't Judge Me"

Today marks my second day of service. It's only Tuesday night, but I'm already feeling so many emotions. I spent the first half of my day at S.A.Y.Y which is a DRMM family health clinic. This facility houses veterans, single dads with children, and they also have a clinic for women. During my groups time there, the task at hand was to help organize the kitchen's back room where they stocked their food and other products. I was fortunate enough to speak with the kitchen supervisor, William Gardner, who goes by Q. I've never met anyone like Q like before. His character and confidence really intrigued me and all I wanted to do was learn more about him. After my group and I were done cleaning and organizing the kitchen we gathered around Q at one of the cafeteria's tables so that we could chat.  Before he started to talk to us, Q said "Now I'm about to tell you all the story of my life, so please don't judge me". After he had said this, I started to really feel overwhelmed. Since I am an extremely emotional person (a blue, my ASB friends will understand this reference) I just wanted to assure him that he should feel comfortable and proud to tell the story of his life, because no two stories are alike. After Q had said this, my attention was completely devoted to him and listening to what he had to say. I smiled when he talked about happy times and expressed my sympathies during the bad. He was such an honest and easy going guy that the conversation became so enjoyable. Overall, my conversation with Q left me feeling inspired and confident that I can work through any problem that comes my way. It was the most meaningful conversation that I had in a really long time. I really needed that.

If I could talk to Q again, I would tell him " Don't ever be afraid of judgement because of your past, you have an incredible story".

Tomorrow's a new day, I can't wait to see what it brings for me.

Stacy DeGrazia

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