Sunday, March 11, 2012

Have Hope Joplin

Since the night started at Kendra's, I knew this trip was going to be a blast!  The people here are so amazing and so greatful... Our first night here, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner.  A man asked us where we were from and we shared our story of why we were there... Without us knowing, he put $100 towards our bill.  Hours before that when we were at the Joplin Airport, a man thanked us for being here.  The kindness of everybody down here is amazing.  This is an experience of a lifetime and I cannot even begin to explain how much fun I am having.  Today (Sunday), we saw all of the damage the horrible tornado caused... We went to the high school and finally saw the hOPe High School sign.  The ironic part is when we got out of the vans to walk at the school, that was the only time the sun came out and it stopped raining... I feel as if it was a sign of some sort... It really made me appreciate my education and school.  Who cares if we don't have the newest computers or our desks are 20 years old, we have a school.. That is all that matters. These poor students have lost memories... As we were looking through the fence, we saw papers from classes, including paperwork from 2002.  Having the tornado happen 10 months ago, it is amazing seeing everything still lying around.  We have done so much and have seen so many things but I'm not going to write a book... I'll let others share. Long story, short...  THIS TRIP IS AMAZING AND LIFE CHANGING AND EVERYONE FROM THE FRAM*ILY TO THE PEOPLE OF MISSOURI ARE AMAZING.
     Erin :)

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